Española de
Historia de  la Construcción

Los hombres . . . teniendo por naturaleza, a diferencia de los otros animales, el no caminar inclinados a la tierra, sino rectos y elevados para ver la magnificencia del cielo y astros; como también, hallándose aptos con sus manos y articulaciones para tratar fácilmente cuanto querían, empezaron unos a disponer sus techados de ramas.

Otros a cavar cuevas a la raíz de los montes. Algunos imitando los nidos de las golondrinas y su estructura, con barro y lodo hicieron donde guarecerse.

Otros finalmente, que observaban estos abrigos, adelantando un poco mas sus invenciones, iban de día en día erigiendo menos mal arregladas chozas: así, que siendo aquellos hombres de imitadora y dócil naturaleza, gloriándose cada día de sus invenciones, se enseñaban unos a otros las nuevas formas de las casas que levantaban; y ejercitándose los ingenios en estas emulaciones, las iban de grado en grado mejorando de gusto.


Vitruvio II, I, “Del principio de los edificios” (Texto: Ortiz y Sanz 1787; Ilustración: Walter Rivius, Vitruvius Teutsch. Nürnberg1548).

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Fuentes de la Historia de la Construcción



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Proceedings of the First International Congress on Construction History. Madrid, 20th - 24th January 2003

S. Huerta

Instituto Juan de Herrera, SEHC, COAC, CAATC - Madrid - 2003

ISBN: 84–9728–070–9 | 3 vols. 2157 pp. | 35 €

disponible en: Librería Instituto Juan de Herrera
congreso: Madrid, 2003 | I Congreso Internacional



autor comunicación
Morganti Renato   Zordan Luigi Large roofs, large spaces. Suspended cable roofing in Italy 1948-1970
Yeomans David The work and influence of Felix Samuely in Britain
Willis Alfred Design-build and building efficiency in the early twentieth century United States
Wendland David A case of recovery of a medieval vaulting technique in the 19th century: Lassaulx' vaults in the church of Treis
Vries Dirk de The appearance of trusses in the Low Countries
Salto-Weis I   Villanueva Domínguez Luis Critical study of the Specifications for the construction of the nuns' monastery of Chinchón, a contribution to the knowledge of Spanish constructive system in the construction time of El Escorial
Verducci Paolo Brick covered steel framework constructions Palazo della Rinascente by Giulio de Angelis, Rome, Italy (1886-1887)
Vecchiattini Rita The use of dolomitic lime in historical buildings: History, technology and science
Van de Vijver Dirk From Nieuport to Magnel: An institutional history of building science in Belgium, 1780-1930
Van Balen Koenraad Understanding the lime cycle and its influence on historical construction practice
Van Balen Koenraad Research on built heritage contributes to sustainable construction for the future
Valeriani Simona Historic carpentry in Rome
Uva Giuseppina Learning from traditional vaulted systems for the contemporary design. An updated reuse of flat vaults: Analysis of structural performance and recent safety requirements
Turco Mª Grazia The church of St. George in Velabrum in Rome. Techniques of construction, materials and historical transformations
Tomlow Jos Industrialized log building by the Christoph & Unmack Company in Saxony (1907-1940)
Tobriner Stephen Building the cathedral of Noto
Cardani G.   Tedeschi C. Historical investigation on the use of masonry pointing in Italy
Taupin J. L. The geometer and the cathedral
Tappin Stuart The structural development of masonry domes in India
Tappin Stuart The early use of reinforced concrete in India
Ruggieri Nicola   Tampone Gennaro Structural invention and production process in the Pier Luigi Nervi's work
Funis Francesca   Tampone Gennaro Palladio's timber bridges
Sakarovitch Joël   Tamboréro Luc The vault of ArIes City Hall: A carpentry outline for a stone vault?
Taín Guzmán Miguel The drawings on stone in Galicia: Types, uses and meanings
Swanson Randy Late XVIIth century practice of stereotomy prior to the establishment of Engineering Schools in France
Sinopoli Anna The role of geometry in the theories on vaulted structures by Lorenzo Mascheroni (1785)
Ferschin Peter   Simunic María Structural analysis of an outstanding historical building: New insight into its construction history
Seraphin Mathias On the origin of modern timber engineering
Scapin Carla «Ponte vecchio» bridge in Bassano: An historical «excursus»
Sanna Antonello The wall and the frame: Design and technology. Between autarchy and reconstruction in Sardinia
Sanna Antonella First applications of reinforced concrete in Sardinia. The «Porcheddu Company Engineer G.A.» and his plan archives
Sanjust Paolo Materials & architectural details in the architecture of the Modern Movement in Sardinia
Sanabria Sergio Rodrigo Gil de Hontañón's new arithmetical structural rules at the parish church in Villamor de los Escuderos
Barco Herrera Ana B.   Saldaña Diego Construction techniques and auxiliary facilities used in the construction of masonry and early concrete dams
Ferrer Rafael   Ruiz Mª Luisa The construction works in the first railway to the «meseta»: The Alar del Rey-Santander railway 1860-1866
Rudkin Peter The organization of civil engineering construction in Britain 1760-1835
Rodriguez García Ana H. P. Berlage and Amsterdam Stock Exchange, a retlection on the meaning of Constuction
Rodriguez Humberto Quincha Architecture: The development of an antiseismic structural system in seventeenth century Lima
Reuschel Elke   Vielhaber Johannes Loading tests involving historic structures, opportunity or risk?
Reinares Fernández Óscar The chapitel in the tower at the San Millan Monastery of Yuso in San Millan de la Cogolla (La Rioja)
Re Luciano The work of Alessandro Antonelli and Crescentino Caselli between the Architecture of the Raison and the architecture raisonnée
Ramm Wieland History and construction of the Old Vistula Bridges in Tczew
Radivojevic Ana Examples of some late antique building techniques, applied on the horreum from mediana
Rabasa Díaz Enrique The single coursed ashlar vault
Alonso Miguel   Machín Carlos   Rabasa Díaz Enrique The external façade of the Monastery of El Escorial: Traces of a process
D'Orazio Marco   Quagliarini Enrico   Stazi Alessandro Evolution of the analysis criteria for wooden arch structures between the 16th and the 19th century
Powell Christopher Who did what: Division of labour among construction-related firms
Pizzi Marcela The invention of the Balloon Frame, how it affected architecture in the New World. The case of chile
Peters Tom Technological thought and theory, a culture of construction
Pelke Eberhard Presenting Construction History in museums: Bridges in the German StraBenmuseum Germersheim
Patricio Teresa   Stevens Tarcis The Roman theatre of Jebleh in Syria: Analysis of the construction form
Miettinen A.   Parland H. On the mechanics of segmental beams
Paradiso Michelle   Rapallini Marta   Tempesta Giacomo Masonry domes. Comparison between some solutions under no-tension hypothesis
Palaia Pérez Liliana Design and construction of timber roof structures, built over different structural systems. Cases studies at the Valencia Community
Palacios Gonzalo José Carlos Spanish ribbed vaults in the 15th and 16th centuries
Oliveira Mário Mendonça de   Pousada Erundino Reinforcing foundations with wood piles: Origin and historic development
Antuña Joaquín   Ochsendorf, John Eduardo Torroja and «Cerámica Armada»
Hasegawa Kenichi   Nishiyama Marcelo   Tatang Paulus A case study of thermal environment on the construction history of modern Asian architecture between Asian traditional house and European style
Musso Stefano «Construction history». University education and the future of construction history
Mornati Stefania From wood to reinforced concrete. Window manufacturing materials in the evolution of construction technology in Italy in the thirties
Morbiducci R. Search of a method to analyze a technological-constructive aspect in historical genoese villa: The wooden structure of the roof
Monin Eric The construction of fantasy. Ephemeral structures and urban celebrations in France during the eighteenth century
Monelli Nanni The use of pointed vaults and side shaped walls for a new structural form consequent to one Renaissance original design
Mocchi Giovanni The relationship between scientific knowledge and the building achievements. The evolution of stereotomy in the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries.
Mislin Miron Iron constructions for factory buildings in BerIin in the nineteenth and earIy twentieth century
Mastrodonato Michele   Mezzina Mauro   Uva Giuseppina Historical examples of EarIy Reinforced Concrete Structures.The viaduct of Corso Italia in Bari: a Hypothesis for the Reuse
Mende Michael A matter to be considered in various directions: Approaches in design, prefabrication and assembly of the Hamelin Chain Bridge, 1836-38
Matos Madalena Functional definitions and constructional constraints: The case of some major buildings in Portugal in the 20th century
Mateus Joao Technical literature from the Enlightenment to the Portland cement era: Its contribution to the knowledge of masonry buildings and the History of Construction
Martin Paulo Foundries and metallic architectonic elements manufacture of the 19th century in Recife (Brazil)
Grote Jupp   Marrey Bernard The story of prestressed concrete from 1930 to 1945: A step towards the European Union
Marconi Nicoletta The baroque Roman building yard: Technology and building machines in the reverenda fabbrica of St. Peter' s (l6th-18th centuries)
Manieri Giovanni The Colosseum: Quality and efficiency of construction
Louw Hentie Aesthetics, ethics and workmanship: The need for a cultural dimension to Construction History
López Mozo Ana Planar vaults in the Monastery of El Escorial
López Mozo Ana Extradosed vaults in the Monastery of El Escorial: The dome at the church towers
López Manzanares Gema The XVIIth century: CarIo Fontana's expertises
Langenbach Randolph Survivors amongst the rubble: Traditional timber-laced masonry buildings that survived the great 1999 earthquakes in Turkey and the 2001 earthquake in India, while modern buildings fell
Kapsch Robert The construction of the Potomac aqueduct (1833-1841): Pier construction in deep water conditions
Foce Federico   Huerta Santiago Vault theory in Spain between XVIIIth and XIXth century: Monasterio's unpublished manuscript Nueva teorica sobre el empuje de bovedas
Graciani García Amparo   Tabales Miguel Typological observations on tapia walls in the area of Seville. 11th-19th centuries
Fort R.   Gómez M. Supplying of masonry materials in the construction of the crypt of Santa María la Real de la Almudena, Madrid, Spain, 1883-1911
Gómez Juan carlos   Pérez Filomena   Rodríguez Carmen Antonio Ramos's Manuscript. Analysis of a scientific text with an empiric base
Giustina Irene On the art and the culture of domes. Construction in Milan and Lombardy in the late sixteenth and in the first half of the seventeenth century
Girón Sierra Francisco Javier Drawing reasoning and prejudice in Choisy's Histoire de l'Architecture
Gerhardt Rolf   Kurrer Karl-Eugen   Pichler Gerhard The methods of graphical statics and their relation to the structural form
De Jonge Krista   Geleyns Piet New light on specialized XVth century construction techniques in the Low Countries
Gasparini Dario Prestressing of 19lh century wood and iron truss bridges in the U.S.
Garda Emilia «Smooth, hard, clean, perfect» Terranova, history of a modern plaster
García-Gutiérrez Mosteiro Javier The adventure of the Guastavino vaults
García Ana María The evolution of traditional types of building foundation prior to the first industrial revolution
Frulio Gabriela Catalan methods for construction in Sardinia: The use of «abeurador» in stone masonry
Freire Tellado Manuel J. Typological study of the late medieval galician towers: Application to the restoration of the tower «Torre de Vilanova dos Infantes»
Franco Giovanna Teaching Construction History
Fortea Luna Manuel   López Bernal Vicente The timbrel vault (Extremaduran vault)
Billington David   Ellis Richard Construction history of the composite framed tube structural system
Durán Fuentes Manuel An endeavour to identify Roman bridges built in former Hispania
De Nichilo Eliana Learning from stone traditional vaulted systems for the contemporary project of architecture. The experimental construction site at the Ponton de la Oliva (Spain, 1851-1858): Survey of the small «boveda plana» of the Casa de Mina de Limpia, and reconstructive hypothesis for the Casa del Guarda flat-vault
Cordeiro Paula The Grand-Place of Brussels. The XIXth century restoration: Diversity of materials and structures
Boato Ana   Lagomarsino Sergio   Pittaluga Daniela Masonry vaults in Genoa: From historical and archaeological analyses to scientific interpretation of the rules for their construction
Boato Ana   Decri Anna Archive documents and building organization. An example from the modern age
Beste Heinz Foundations and wall structures in the basement of the Colosseum in Rome
Bertagnin Mauro   Bollini Gaia Conservation of traditional earthen architecture in the Abruzzi region: The construction site for first aid rehabilitation work of Casa d' Arcangelo at Casalincontrada (Chieti, Italy)
Becchi Antonio Before 1695: The statics of arches between France and Italy
Bartoli Gianni   Spinelli Paolo The «Torre Grossa» in San Gimignano: Experimental and numerical analysis
Barthel Rainer   Maus H. Analysis and repair of historical roof structures: Two examples, two different concepts
Barthel Rainer   Jagfeld M.   Schiemann L Static analysis and evaluation of the construction system of a gothic «choir-window» consisting of a filigree tracery and slender stone rips
Bardati Flaminia Italian's «forms» and local masonry in early French Renaissance: The stone coffered ceilings called «Voutes-plates», from the castle of Gaillon to the Bouton chapel in Beaune
Barbieri A.   Di Tommaso A.   Massarotto R. Helical masonry vaulted staircase in Palladio and Vignola's architectures
Ahmad A. Ghafar   Awang Hanizam   Rodzi Ismail Mohd Do we need to teach Construction History? Experiences of the School of Housing, Building and Planning, Universiti Sains Malaysia, Penang
Atzeni Carlo Stone masonry in rural sardinian building. Evolution of the traditional building techniques between XIX and XX century
Ataman Osman Housing construction analysis in Olivette Park, East St. Louis
Arrué Begoña Techniques, designs and terminology of elevation of stonework bridges during modern age
Arenillas Parra Miguel   Castillo Juan C. Dams from the Roman era in Spain. Analysis of design forms
Arce García Ignacio From the diaphragm arches to the ribbed vaults. An hypothesis for the birth and development of a building technique
Arce García Ignacio Early Islamic lime kilns from the Near East. The cases from Amman Citadel
Aoki Takayoshi   Chiorino Mario   Roccati Roberto Structural characteristics of the elliptical masonry dome of the sanctuary of Vicoforte
Antuña Joaquín The grandstand roof of the Zarzuela Hippodrome in Madrid: The constructive talent of Eduardo Torroja
Alegre Alexandra   Heitor Teresa The first generation of reinforced concrete building type. A public housing estate in Lisbon
Aita Danila   Barsotti R.   Bennati S. Some explicit solutions for flat and depressed masonry arches
Aita Danila Between geometry and mechanics: A re-examination of the principles of stereotomy from a statical point of view
Ageno Alessio   Frilli Maura Architecture as talisman: The hidden links between Vitruvius' theatre and Palladio' s villa «Rotonda»
Affelt Waldemar Wooden masterwork of saline in Ciechocinek, Poland
Adilardi Alessandro   Giacomo Salvatore   Spinelli Paolo Reconstruction of the oldest cable wire suspension bridge in Italy «Leopoldus II»
Claps A.   Larotonda A.   Liberatore D.   Spera G. The Italian archaeological heritage: A classification of types from the point of view of protection against earthquakes
Leccisi F. Stone buildings in Salento (Puglia, Italy): Materials and techniques
Lawrence Snezana History of Descriptive Geometry in England
Komara Ann Measure and map: Alphand's contours of construction at the Parc des Buttes Chaumont, Paris 1867
Ökten Sadettin   Kapti Mevlüde   Kiraç Binnur The old power plant at Silahtaraga in Istanbul
Kemp Emory The Wheeling Custom House of 1859: A study in skeletal iron framing
Karwacka Eva The plans and the work-site of Sant'Antonino's chapel in St. Mark's in Florence -the work of Giambologna- in a manuscript in the Salviati Archives
Kaiser C. The Fleischbrücke in Nuremberg: A stone arch bridge as an object for researching the History of Building Technology
Kahlow Andreas Bridge-building and Industrial Revolution
Iori Tullia Prestressed concrete: First developments in Italy
Hernando de la Cuerda Rafael Analysis and building process of hidden wooden frameworks in 17th century Spanish treatises
Haupt Isabel Theorizing the roof. «New» roof constructions in German countries at the end of the 18th century
Gulli Ricardo Constructive experimentalism and innovation technique in the 18th century French treatises. The discovery of Félix François d'Espie
Alva Alejandro   Guillaud Hubert Historical earthen architecture and construction in the Mediterranean Region. What future for such an exceptional cultural legacy?
Aroca Hernández-Ros Ricardo   González Redondo Esperanza Wooden framed structures in Madrid domestic architecture of 17th to 19th centuries
Aroca Hernández-Ros Ricardo   González Redondo Esperanza Structural organization and functional distribution of rooms in Madrid architecture of 17th and 18th centuries
Alessandri C.   Fabbri R.   Giunchi E.   Malvezzi R.   Russo M. Wooden composite beams: A new technique in the Renaissance of Ferrara
Aita Danila   Foce Federico The masonry arch between «limit» and «elastic» analysis. A critical re-examination of Durand-Claye's method
Fernández José Luis Structures: Size, form and proportion. A historical review on the main criteria for structural design. Theoretical and empirical studies on dead load
Fernández John Shifting Grounds: The effects of altered modes of research and development in construction
Falzetti Antonella The calcareous sinter vault of the Nympheum known as «Stadium» at Villa Adriana: Geometry and Statics for an hypothesis of anastilosys
Fallacara Giuseppe The formal unity of aerial vault's texture: The «trompes». The role of traditional «trait géométrique» for trompes' design in the perspective of the employ of modern CAD/CAM project/execution processes
Espion Bernard   Halleux Pierre   Schiffmann Jacques Contributions of André Paduart to the art of thin concrete shell vaulting
Compán Cardiel Víctor   Escrig Pallarés Félix   Pérez Juan   Sánchez José Shells and membranes in the architecture of the XVIIIth century
Endo Takaharu On the daily amount of excavation for the construction of the rock-cut tomb during the New Kingdom Period of Ancient Egypt
Eggemann Holger Development of composite columns. Emperger's effort
Di Roma Annalisa Ornament in Hellenistic architecture: Standardization in construction processes and the birth of the artistic industry. Hypotheses of updating, using CAD/CAM processes
De Tommasi G.   Fatiguso F. Buildings of beginning of '900 between tradition and innovation: From the art of building in the treatises to building practices of handbooks
Corradi Massimo From the «Architecture hydraulique» to the «Science des ingénieurs»: Hydrostatics and Hydrodynamics in the XIXth century
Deluka A.   Dragcevic V.   Rukavina T. Roman roads in Croatia
DeLaine Janet The builders of Roman Ostia: Organization, status and society
Da Porto Francesca   Modena Claudia   Valluzzi Mª Rosa Investigations for the knowledge of multi-Ieaf stone masonry walls
D'Angelo Andrea   Sassu Mauro Construction evolution of medieval tuscan monasteries: The case of badia San Savino in Cascina (Pisa)
D'Amelio Maria Grazia The construction techniques and methods for organizing labor used for Bernini's colonnade in St. Perter's, Rome
D'Amato Claudio The formal unity of the Greek Temple: The realization of the 9/A capital replica of Apollo Epicurius' Temple at Bassai
Dalprá Michaela   Frattari Antonio Two traditional wooden building systems in Trentino (ltaly)
Cowan Henry Innovations in the design of long-span building structures
Coste Anne Gothic vaults: A rationalist or a tectonic track for the role of the ribs?
Cañas I.   Cortes B.   Ortiz J.   Rego T. The façades in the traditional rural constructions and their study through the documentary sources. Application to the house of principIes of XXth century in the region of Paradanta (Pontevedra, Spain)
Cortés Gimeno Rafael Forms and construction methods of some ancient dams in the Comunidad Valenciana
Buonanno Laura   Copani Pietro The «Cuba» near Castiglione in Sicily: A self-supporting vault made of volcanic stone
Chrimes Michael Robert Stephenson and planning the construction of the London and Birmingham Railway
Cerutti Annarosa   Villanni Marcello Pietro da Cortona's domes between new experimentations and construction knowledge
Ceraldi c.   Russo Ermolli E. The Swiss covered bridges of eighteenth century. A special case: The bridge of Schaffhausen
Ceraldi c.   Russo Ermolli E. The marvellous timber trusses of XVIIIth century. The work of the German carpenter Schuhknecht
Cecchetti Federico   Sassu Mauro Construction evolution of medieval tuscan monasteries: The tie beam system in the Sant' Agostino monastery at Nicosia (Pisa)
Catalano Agostino The suspension bridge by iron chains on the Garigliano Real Ferdinando. An example of innovative construction technique in Naples and Italy in the Bourbon Age in 1832
Cappai Serena A hypothesis on a building technique to determine the shape of the Nuragic tholoi
Capomolla Rinaldo   Vittorini Rosalia Building practices of the post-war reconstruction period in Italy: Housing by Mario Ridolfi at the INA Casa Tiburtino neighbourhood in Rome (1950-54)
Cañas Cecilia The constructive techniques of the moorish roofing frameworks: The case of the Mirador of the Reales Alcázares of the Catholic Monarchs in Seville
Candelas Gutiérrez Ángel Luis On the origin of some «whiteness» carpentry rules
Calogero Vinci   Campisi Tiziana The iron staircases: Light and inventive solution of historical architecture
Campbell James The study of bricks and brickwork in England since Nathaniel Lloyd
Camino Olea María Soledad Evolution in the construction of facing brick façades in Valladolid with the introduction of pressed brick, from the last quarter of the 19th century to the first quarter of the 20th century
Calvo López José Orthographic projection and true size in Spanish stonecutting manuscripts
Cadinu Marco Wood structures in traditional random rubble wall constructions in Cagliari
Burt Richard The experimental earthen cottages at Amesbury, England: A long term condition assessment
Brown Mark   Buonopane Stephen History and engineering analysis of the 1890 cable-stayed Bluff Dale bridge
Buonopane Stephen   Gasparini Dario   Spivey Justin Engineering analysis as a historical documentation tool: Recent work of the Historic American Engineering Record
Barthel Rainer   Brengelmann Tim The Framework Truss: Development and structural analysis of framework trusses in the USA at the beginning of the 19th century
Brandes Klaus Development of structural connections of steel truss bridges around 1900
Abbate Francesco   Bove Lucia   Dodaro Liana   Lipiello Maria A peculiar architecture: The open staircase of Naples
Yeomans David Modern analysis and historic structures
Mainstone Rowland Reflections on the related histories of construction and design
Dunkeld M. Establishing a postgraduate programme in Construction History. The experience of South Bank University, London
Heyman Jacques Wren, Hooke and partners
Addis Bill The nature of progress in structural engineering
Addis Bill Inventing a history for structural engineering design
Achenza Maddalena The use of adobe in the traditional buildings of Sardinia. Typological and construction innovation between XIXth and XXth century
Sakarovitch Joël Stereotomy, a multifaceted technique
Peters Tom Bridge technology and historical scholarship
Louw Hentie International collaboration in Construction History: A gambit towards the debate
Lorenz Werner History of construction: An estimable resource in the actual crisis of civil engineering?
Casals Balagué Albert   González Moreno-Navarro José Luis Gaudí's approach to building


 SEdHC > biblioteca digital: actas de congresos > Proceedings of the First International Congress on Construction History. Madrid, 20th - 24th January 2003

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